Graduate Career Coaching

More resources for grad students

While meeting with a career coach is the best place to start, below are a few additional resources to help you along the way:

Graduate students are welcome and encouraged to attend any of our events and programs.

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Imagine Ph.D. is free online career exploration and planning tool for Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences.

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This is the oldest, largest community dedicated to non-academic and non-faculty careers for Ph.D.s in the humanities, social sciences, and STEM disciplines.

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Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a research communication competition founded by the University of Queensland in 2008. The competition challenges master’s and doctoral students to present a compelling oration on their thesis or dissertation research and its significance to a general audience in just three minutes. IU Bloomington, which hosts its annual 3MT competition each spring, joins over 900 universities worldwide that host local 3MT events.

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So, what are you going to do after Grad School? What a loaded question, right? This career exploration group will help graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences systematically think through an answer. This virtual 4-part event is conducted through Zoom and Canvas. This series is offered on a semesterly basis. Email us for more information.

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